Elbow Injuries – Hand & Wrist Injuries


Elbows, hands, and wrists are prone to minor injuries that are self-healing. However, if any discomfort persists a visit to Core Physiotherapy Brighton Le Sands to have the injury evaluated may save a more serious problem from developing.  Minor fractures may not be immediately obvious but your physiotherapist my recommend that the joint be immobilized for a short time to ensure any bone displacement does not heal incorrectly.

Here are things to expect from Core Physiotherapy Brighton LE Sands for these types of injuries.

Elbow Injuries

Elbow anatomy showing muscles and tendonsElbow injuries often lead to a restriction in movement that is best treated with physiotherapy.  Here are some of the ways elbow injuries are managed:

  • If your elbow is chronically painful, placing a hot pack around your forearm and elbow can be helpful. The aim of this procedure is to bring blood flow and nutrients to the injury to aid the healing process.
  • Elbow injuries are also responsive to gentle stretching of the forearm and surrounding musculature. The type of stretching and frequency your physiotherapist will recommend will vary depending upon the type of injury. Typically, this may be repeated several times a day with periodic visits to your physiotherapist to check progress and provide additional treatment.
  • With some injuries to the elbow and surrounding muscles a counterforce brace can help remove further muscle strain while still allowing movement.


Treating wrist injuries

Hand & Wrist Tendons & Muscles

 Wrist injuries can be quite complex because of the large number of small bones ligaments and muscles in this area.  Accordingly, even for minor wrist injuries, it may be wise to have the problem evaluated by Core Physiotherapy Brighton LE Sands as soon as possible.  Immediately upon sustaining a wrist injury one or more of the below suggestions may be helpful in reducing the pain.

  • Icing the wrist injurie to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Compressing the wrist with some bandage.
  • Elevating your wrist above your heart on the back of a chair or pillow
  • Resting your wrist for a minimum of 48 hours.
  • Taking anti-inflammatory medication or pain killers to help swelling and pain.

Wrist injuries will likely require that you practice stretching and strengthening exercises. Your physiotherapist will give you a program specific to your condition.


Hand injuries

Sprains, finger dislocations, and fractures are some of the injuries that can happen to your hand. Here are some general things your physiotherapist will advise you to do:

  • Applying ice to the injured area to reduce the swelling.
  • Keeping your fingers elevated above the heart on a pillow or the back of a chair.
  • Avoid trying to straighten a finger that’s deformed or bent.
  • After you have done the initial first aid, talk to a physiotherapist as soon as possible if you cannot move the fingers or hand.

Some hand injuries may require surgery or casting before commencing physiotherapy to restore strength and flexibility.

Regardless of the type of injury, Core Physiotherapy Brighton Le Sands can assist you towards a full recovery.

Phone 02 9567 3734
Core Physiotherapy

4 / 334-338 Bay St.
Brighton Le Sands
NSW 2216

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